Commuter Barbie is Literally All of Us on the Subway

Raise your hand if you feel personally victimized by Commuter Barbie. She's always late for work, hates manspreaders on the subway, and can never get the Starbucks barista to spell her name right. It's Barbie, not Babrie...okay?!?! Commuter Barbie, created by New York comedians Carina Hseieh and Claudia Arisso, is literally all of us on the subway. Even if we don't want to admit that sometimes we're the ones blocking the closing doors. 

The hilarious parody commercial for this fictional Barbie is so on point. It shows Barbie rocking a Canada Goose jacket, a Strand tote bag, and even Urban Ears headphones. Her stereotypical NYC commuter accessories don't stop there, either. Barbie obviously has a Swell water bottle, is munching on a Cliff bar, and listening to NPR on her iPhone. 

If you're feeling like Commuter Barbie is zeroing in you personally, don't worry. Tons of other New Yorkers are identifying with this satirical doll. 

The comedic geniuses behind Commuter Barbie are already thinking about creating a male version, such as a “Murray Hill Ken with his ill-fitting suit and oversized loafers? Frat Bro Ken? Lite Thrasher™ type Ken with Supreme MetroCard?” We're SO here for it. 

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