Toto Covered Weezer's 'Hash Pipe' and It's Amazing

At the end of May, Weezer made a viral fan request a reality when they covered Toto's 1982 hit "Africa." Now, the relationship has come full circle. On Monday night (July 30) during a show in Vancouver B.C., the rockers returned the favor and covered Weezer's "Hash Pipe."

“We figured since we were smoking hash since before they were born, that’s the one we should do," Steve Lukather, the group's lead guitarist, said onstage at The Centre after thanking the band for covering their song. "This is our tribute to Weezer, God bless ’em.”

The band then jumped right into a rockin' version of Weezer's 2001 hit, with vocalist Joseph William giving his best Rivers Cuomo impression.

Watch the performance below.

Weezer's version of "Africa" has been quite successful for the band, landing them the number 89 spot in the Billboard Hot 100—their highest chart spot in nearly a decade. 

When the song initially came out, Toto got a kick out of it. "No one is laughing harder than me!" Lukather told the Ernie Ball Blog. "And nobody appreciates it more than all of us at Toto. But, on the other hand, this one is really hard to do. Harder than it sounds."

Photo: Getty Images

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