Would You Live In A House Where Someone Was Murdered?

Cordon Tape On A Crime Scene

Photo: Getty Images

We've all got deal breakers or a list of must-have's when it comes apartment hunting or home buying, but some people have a shockingly high threshold for what constitutes a deal breaker!

A poll conducted by YouGov found that among homebuyers, if a property met all of their must-have requirements 30% of people would still consider buying if they found out someone had been murdered there! Even if the people murdered were the previous owners.

The redeeming quality here, more people (32%) say they'd pass and move on to a non-murder house.

The numbers shift a little once you start considering whether the buyers believe in ghosts or not. Among believers, only 24% would still proceed. And people who believe in psychics? Only 22%.

Check out the entire poll here.

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